Monday, November 24, 2008


So, just as i was beginning to see a bright side to the internet changing the music industry, a huge setback: I fell victim to piracy and a mild form of identity theft. Someone hacked me, and stole two of my original songs and claimed them to be their own works and posted them on their myspace music account. Upon researching more on this kid, it turns out he has stolen from ten artists over the past two or three years. So a big big big negative effect the internet has had on the music industry is how easily theft can take place. Next week I will be conferencing with Peter Spellmen from Berklee about the Internet's Effect on the Music Industry, and I am very interested in hearing what his view on it is.

1 comment:

Wendy DG said...


So you are experiencing copyright issues first hand. You might consider posting the song here and going into more detail about how this changes your views. Would you have been able to publish your song and get the distribution you have without the Internet?